Sweet potato with beef sausage

A tasty and healthy meal on the table within ten minutes. Is that possible? Yes! Make this simple sweet potato recipe with spinach and sausage yourself.


Baking pan


2 sweet potatoes
400 gr fresh leaf spinach
2 tablespoons crème fraîche
2 beef sausages
25 grams of feta

Preparation method

  1. Microwave: Place the sweet potato in the microwave at 700 watts for about 8 minutes. Are not you a fan of the microwave? With the oven you can also make this recipe, only it will take a little longer. 
  2. Oven:Preheat your oven to 190 degrees and wash the sweet potatoes with a brush. Dry them with a tea towel. Place each sweet potato on a large piece of foil and drizzle with a little bit of sunflower oil. Rub them in with your hands so that there is a thin layer of oil everywhere. Prick the potatoes with a fork and then pack them (not too tightly) with the foil. Ensure that the aluminum foil is properly closed and that no air can escape. Put the packages on a baking sheet and slide them in the oven. Depending on the size of your potatoes, they will take between 30 and 60 minutes to be cooked. Therefore, after 30 minutes, check how well they are cooked by squeezing them and putting a knife or fork in the middle.
  3. Fry the sausage.
  4. Take two scoops of creme fraiche and fry the spinach until softened (2-3 minutes on low heat).
  5. Cut open the sweet potato and fill it with the spinach.
  6. Finish the whole thing with some feta.

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